Thursday, November 28, 2019

Working Personality free essay sample

In â€Å"A Sketch of the Policeman’s Working Personality,† Jerome Skolnick discusses and analyzes how a police officer’s personal outlook is affected by his or her involvement in police work, creating an â€Å"us versus them† mind-set, as well as the frequent inability to â€Å"turn off† the police mentality outside of a work environment. While he states that a person’s work has an impact on his or her outlook of the world according to a recurring theme in the sociology of occupations, police work has a particularly strong impact on those cognitive lenses (Skolnick, 1966, p. ). Because of the nature of their job, police have a tendency to look at the world in a way that makes it distinctive to themselves. This can be associated with the danger that they face on a day-in, day-out basis, how their position as a police officer affects their social relationships, as well as how they are generally perceived by the public. We will write a custom essay sample on Working Personality or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Contributing to the overall working personality of a police officer is the need to be efficient, the continuous presence of potential danger, and the need to establish authority in the face of ever-present public relations issues. Skolnick (1966) likens a police officer to a soldier, a school teacher, and a factory worker because of the dangers he faces, his issues with establish his authority, and the need prove his efficiency, but points out that this overwhelming combination of tasks is unique to police culture. Thus, the â€Å"us versus them† mentality begins to take shape, making officers feel the need to separate themselves from civilian society. The propensity now is that police work is no longer a job, but a way of life. Janowitz refers to the military profession as a â€Å"style of life† because the duties of the job extend pass occupational boundaries, and that any position that performs â€Å"life and death† tasks furthers such claims (Skolnick, p. 3). These split-second decisions that police officers have to make also contribute to their separatist way of thinking. It is also clear that the intensity or lack thereof of a police officer’s assignments can help develop his working personality. Basically, experience corroborates one’s outlook. The threat of danger is continuously present, which contributes to the officer’s constant suspicion in trying to identify a potential danger or a law being broken (Skolnick, p. 4). Because of this constant mode of thinking, many people find themselves not wanting to establish a social relationship or friendship with police officers. The danger element isolates the police officer from citizens that he finds representative of danger as well as isolating him from the more predictable people that he might ordinarily identify with (Skolnick, p. ). The police officer’s requirement to enforce morality laws such as traffic laws usually leads to citizens denying his authority and raising his threat level (Skolnick, p. 4). Skolnick states, â€Å"The kind of man who responds well to danger, however, does not normally prescribe to the codes of puritanical morality. † Because of this, many people view police officers at hypocrites, which gives the police community further reason to isolate as well as further reason to build strong rapport between themselves (Skolnick, p. 4). Skolnick points out that it appears that British police are better about following procedural guidelines than are American police, but that the reason is that they face less dangers than do the police officers of the United States, thus they are better at creating the appearance of conformity (Skolnick, p. 4). Police officers develop a perceptual shorthand that allows them to identify symbolic assailants. This identification can come through the use of certain gestures, language, and even a type of clothing that police have come to associate with particular crimes or violence. Even if the a person has no history of violence or no criminal record, that is overlooked when an officer feels even a vague sense of danger (Skolnick, p. 5). Because of this constant threat of potential danger, police officers may even create certain emotional boundaries which help them continue to function successfully on assignment. Half of the officers in the Westville police department that Skolnick surveyed indicated that they would prefer an assignment of police detective, which involves direct danger. It is believed that while officers may be fearful of the dangers of their jobs, they may also find it exciting, finding enjoyment in potential danger (Skolnick, p. 6). Officers are, of course, trained to be suspicious. Skolnick mentioned a statement from a patrolman that pointed out that â€Å"the most important thing for the officer to do is notice the normal. † By this statement, the officer meant that in order to notice what could be deemed as suspicious, an officer must recognize what is considered normal for a particular area. Notably, whether or not an officer has personally experienced a hazardous situation doesn’t determine his level of suspiciousness. Police officers identify with their comrades who have endured hazardous situations such as beatings or who have even been killed (Skolnick, p. 7). In spite of racial issues that were in existence at the time Skolnick wrote this article, his interview with the Westville police department indicated that racial issues were not the most serious problem that police faced. It was, instead, issues regarding public relations such as citizens’ lack of respect for the badge, failure to cooperate, and the misunderstanding of what all police work entails (Skolnick, p. 8). Relating both to how the public views officers, as well as back to how they are perceived in social settings, Skolnick gives from the Westville police department of an officer and his wife who, while at a party, was hit in the leg and burned from a firework. Even though this occurred in a social setting, he was subjected to another party-goer’s exclamation of, â€Å"Better watch out, he’s a cop. † Another officer mentioned that he didn’t even identify himself as a police officer outside of work because once he did, he could no longer have a normal social relationship with them (Skolnick, p. 9-10). For much of the reasons mentioned previously, the solidarity of police officers has been reaffirmed. Another reason for this, however, is the threat of danger. Again, police officers experience a lack of support and understanding from their communities, and officers believe that the community should not be relieved of their responsibility for law enforcement just because there are uniformed officers who are paid to enforce the law and protect the community (Skolnick, p. 11). The work of police officers increases their solidarity as a group, further separates them from society, and it also taints his character in the eye of the judging public (Skolnick, p. 11-12). Danger faced by officers also acts to further alienate him not only from criminals, but to people he would ordinarily find himself being friends with. This also acts to increase solidarity. Janowitz stated, â€Å"any profession which is continually preoccupied with the threat of danger requires a strong sense of solidarity if it is to operate effectively† (Skolnick, p. 12). Thus, that strong sense of camaraderie is needed to function properly. This same level of solidarity allows police officers to be themselves around other polices officers, and ssentially enables them to â€Å"let themselves go† and engage in behavior that they otherwise wouldn’t because they are always facing public scrutiny (Skolnick, p. 15). It should also be noted that the police officers don’t cooperate with and look out for one another simply because the chief says that’s what they should do or because policy tells them that’s what they have to do, but instead, they do it because they truly believe in the value of team work and know that it can be the difference of life or death out on the street. The brotherhood between police officers is so strong, it is sometimes described as â€Å"clannishness† (Skolnick, p. 16). Contributing to the already abundant level of public resentment, city administrations and courts may use their police force to meet budgetary requirements by setting speed traps, or may increase their fines. The police officers are the â€Å"face† of those fines, which creates even more separation between police officers and the communities they serve. Additionally, at events where officers are hired to keep order, they are essentially restraining citizens’ freedom of action, which leads to even more resentment (Skolnick, p. 3). However, police offers are often faced with situations in which they have administrative discretion, such as putting a drunk in a taxi instead of placing him under arrest. They could have arrested him, but chose to issue a kind of warning instead. Through their requirement to establish authority in order to effectively enforce the law, police officers feel that they are taken for granted, and that they are often â€Å"fighting alone† on the streets (Skolnick, p. 11). They are expected to be conventional, while also being knowledgeable of street expressions in order to put on a suspect (Skolnick, p. 18). They face public scrutiny at every turn, are alienated by one-time friends due to their profession, and in an effort to keep themselves and other safe, are forced into a constant mentality of seeing every one as potential suspect or constantly sensing the threat of potential danger. It is, then, no wonder that police officers have a working personality that is completely different from any other occupation.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Internet Essays - Cultural Globalization, Digital Technology

The Internet Essays - Cultural Globalization, Digital Technology The Internet Abstract The Internet is a source of more information then most of us know. In this report I highlight some of my favorite things. Also, I highlight some of the things that we as users and buyers need to be cautious of before using. What is the Internet? What comes to a your mind when they think of the Internet? Well, I will tell you what used to come to my mind. When I thought of the Internet, I thought of x-rated Web pages and chat rooms. I envisioned a medium that was so full of disgusting and perverted pictures that parents needed a "cybersitter" to make sure that their children did not get into the Web pages that they were not supposed to. I thought this was the way it was because that is what I had heard about, but I'm a experimental type person and decided to investigate for myself what was really on the Internet. What I found surprised me greatly, for although there are a lot of things that a person would not want their children to see or read, a person has to intentionally search out these things to find them. When you compare the wealth of information you can retrieve off the Internet, it is worth the effort that it takes to make it where children can work on the computer without fear of them being exposed t! o something they should not. One way to make it safer for your children and teens is done when you origianly sign up with your Internet provider. What you do is turn on teen access only, or children acess only, but since nothing is foolproof, keep the computer in a open spot where the you can always see what is going on, for supervision is always the best solution. What does the Internet do? That is a concise question with a broad answer. The facts show that the Internet does nothing. We travel through it to get to our destination ,but we do not use it as itself. It is a tool in our human communications capability. In my research the article compared the Internet to the telephone system, and said that it was similar to our Interstate highway System. The Internet extends the reach of people so that ideas and services can be exchanged, but this does not happen by itself. The Internet is actually a global network of networks. Millions of computers are able to share information with each other using the telephone lines. In fact, the Internet links at least 3 million computers at any one time, and that does not count the people logging on just to surf the net. It only counts the institutions providing some type of Internet service, or information sharing programs. How did the Internet begin? I thought this was interesting. The Internet began like most things in our society, that is to say that it was started by the government. The Internet started out as a experimental military network in the 60's. It then expanded to other governmental agencies and then to higher education. Now the Internet is well known all over the world, for just about anywhere you go, people know what the Internet is. Not everyone knows what to do with the Internet, but most know what it is. Now, unlike a few years ago, the Internet is accessible to just about anyone with a computer. The individual needs only a modem, but they also needs internet access to be connected. At this point it would be good to distinguish between Internet providers and commercial services providing Internet access. As I mentioned before the Internet started with the government and spread to education. These two groups comprised the bulk of the Internet until the late 1980's when companies began linking to the Internet. So a University or Government agency that provides internet access to their students and employees are providing what is considered full Internet access. They do not pay for their Internet access it is part of their studies and employment. On the other hand, the average Joe can get hooked online through a commercial service such as America online, prodigy, and other large communications company such as AT&T and

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Export Final Project - Malaysian fashion retailer wishing to expand Term Paper

Export Final Project - Malaysian fashion retailer wishing to expand its business into the African Market - Term Paper Example 2). This being the case, it is important to take note of the fact that the main clothing brans in the market include Adidas, Gucci, Calvin Klein, and Nike, which have swept the fashion industry in the East Asian region, particularly in Malaysia (Appelbaum 69). Due to the growing competition for the clothing brands and the emergence of new global business opportunities, the Malaysian apparel industries is working closely with a number of global business partners in order to identify the most lucrative geographical and economic environment for its clothing brands. Identifying the Global Business Opportunities (Product / Service and Market) As one of the rising stars of the East Asian region, Malaysia prides itself as being one of the business hubs that deal with various industrial goods (Appelbaum 70). Since the discovery of oil in Malaysia, business has never been the same again especially considering the fact that the Islamic nation preserves culture while at the same time engaging t he global business world in its unique sense of business ingenuity (Khadmudin para. 2). Indeed, the success of Malaysia is because of the democratization of the business space as to involve both international and local brands. Owing to this level playground, several clothing brands have chipped in in the nation to the extent of expanding the trade to the neighboring countries (Crinis 72). Perhaps it is crucial to mention that the primary goods and agriculture drove the Malaysian economy in the 1960s, a strategy that took a sharp turn since the discovery of oil drove the Malaysian economy (Rasiah 539). Currently, the major booster to the Malaysian economy is the exports market that account for over 50% of her total revenues (Appelbaum 79). Over the last decades, the Malaysian economy has tripled with the global trade growing to the tune of US$41.58 billion, mostly due to the growth in the apparel industry that the Malaysian government embraced fully (Khadmudin para. 3). To this exten t, the global economic raking places the East Asian nation at the seventeenth position due to its robust global trade in the fashion industry. The industry of textile and apparel is certainly one with a long history as far as revolution is concerned, despite its remarkable growth in the past half century (Crinis 72). While the textile industry was existent in the 1950s, the Malaysian government had not taken it seriously since the world was not so much into fashion the way it is the case today. This being the case, Malaysia highly discouraged any imports in order to promote local talent particularly in the textile industry (Khadmudin para. 4). With both spinning and weaving of the textiles present in southern and northern parts of the country respectively, Malaysian is strategically placed to serve the international market with its unique sense of fashion (Crinis 67). Since the raw materials for the development of the textile and apparent industry are locally available, the East Asi an nation is guaranteed of a continuous supply of the raw materials, which ultimately leads to enormous volumes of garments available for export. With ready market for the textiles in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan, the fashion industry in the Malaysian peninsula continues to grow at unprecedented levels (Khadmudin para. 2). The continued growth coupled with heightened

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The importance of corporate responsibility communication, strategies Research Paper

The importance of corporate responsibility communication, strategies for communication - Research Paper Example Introduction Over the years, corporate responsibility (CR) has gained increasing attention from practitioners and scholars alike. The programs intended to demonstrate corporate responsibility have led to significant findings, such as the belief that commitment towards CR activities and communication can improve the perceptions of various stakeholders. Thus, lack of social responsibility may lead to the weakening of stakeholder relationships. CR efforts that are characterized by global themes as well as execution tactics have emerged in the marketplace. Communication of CR in Europe and non-Western countries has reportedly becoming similar to activities in the United States with which reporting and communication are frequently articulated. This suggests that CR efforts, which proactively plan and implement programs that integrate social value with business activities and address problems perceived as part of an organization’s social responsibility, have considerably improved. T herefore, the current trends and evidence highly support the communication of CR activities and programs. Corporate Responsibility: An Overview Primarily, the social responsibility of organizations is to produce goods and services that are socially desirable (Becker-Olsen, Taylor, Hill, and Yalcinkaya. 2010). Furthermore, these companies have the social responsibility of adhering to ethical and legal standards that are viewed by the society as appropriate. This has been presented through a more comprehensive definition that described corporate citizenship as the extent to which firms take on the legal, ethical, economic, and discretionary responsibilities that their stakeholders oblige them to assume. One of the most noteworthy aspects of CR’s definition is the relevance attached to discretionary responsibilities that express the desire of the society to see companies become actively involved in the development and betterment of communities and perform beyond the expected sta ndards. Through previous studies, a number of CR practices have been identified that were categorized as moral or ethical practices, discretionary practices, and relational practices. Diversity, community support, employee support, involvement with the environment, and product manufacturing were considered. Fair treatment of employees, taking into consideration the rights of employees from foreign countries, fair competition with others, responsible actions toward the environment, and exemplifying of truth are all considered as moral or ethical practices in relation to corporate responsibility. Meanwhile, under discretionary practices, a number of procedures have been identified as well, such as the contribution of resources to increase social awareness regarding current issues, support for issues on family and children, support for public health programs, and contribution of cultural programs for the community. Finally, relational practices involve the attempts for establishing lon g-term relationships with consumers as well as the willingness to consider the views and constructive criticisms of stakeholders regarding business practices (Shum and Yam, 2010). The business benefits of corporate responsibility have been comprehensively examined and results have indicated that CR can generate moral capital among workers

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Qualitative research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Qualitative research - Essay Example Researchers use coding process to connect data obtained from various research topics in qualitative research. Coding process helps in generating the main theme of the study and relating data collected. During the analysis of qualitative information, the first step involves the organization of data collected. The researcher organizes transcripts during used to collect the information. Data collected though video or record modes are formatted properly in order to make them understandable (Houser, 2011). If the information collected was with transcripts and video, then the two needs harmonization to help build on the theme of study. Otherwise, the data collected would be challenging to interpret. Second step involves reviewing the interviews conducted using the data source by coding. Codes obtained from the review process helps in identification of the main theme of the study (Houser, 2011). The codes may be inductive or deductive. In inductive coding, the information understood from the data assist in making thematic conclusion as opposed to deductive theme that results from experience of the researcher or theory based on the topic. Coding of information is possible using computer programs. Jeanfreau, S. G., & Jack, L. (2010). Appraising Qualitative Research in Health Education: Guidelines for Public Health Educators. Health Promotion Practice, 11(5), 612–617.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Doctrine of ‘Personality Rights’ in the UK

The Doctrine of ‘Personality Rights’ in the UK The United Kingdom has never acknowledged a specific doctrine of ‘personality rights’; the law provides neither coherent nor consistent protection, as the courts are ‘sceptical about creating monopoly rights in nebulous concepts such as names, likeness or popularity’.[1] Therefore celebrities and other high-profile individuals rely on a combination of passing off, trademark, copyright and privacy laws for protection of the commercial value of their personality. None of these were invented to protect personality rights; however they are gradually developing to adjust to the commercial reality of the value of celebrity merchandising and endorsements. Misleading the public by giving a false impression of endorsement of a product by a celebrity has been to commit the tort of passing off for over a decade.[2] The tort of passing off was traditionally defined as ‘nobody has the right to represent his goods as the goods of someone else’.[3] The ‘ classical trinity’ is necessary to succeed in passing off: ‘the goodwill or reputation must be attached to the products or services of the plaintiff, the misrepresentation must lead to the confusion as to the source of the goods and services, and this confusion must cause damage to the claimant’.[4] In the case of Fenty Ors v Arcadia Group Brands Ltd (t/a Topshop) Anor,[5] high street fashion retailer Topshop licensed an image of popstar Rihanna’s face from a photographer and printed it on a t-shirt without either her permission being sought nor obtained. Rihanna then sued for passing off. Mr Justice Birss applied the doctrine to the dispute. Although on very particular facts, Birss J found in favour of Rihanna and established a general principle that arguably goes against any celebrities who might have hoped to see the creation of a doctrine of personality rights. This decision develops the tort of passing off to small degree whilst emphasising that, in each case, the facts are decisive.[6] The debate about the recognition of personality rights in the UK is gathering impetus in the wake of Fenty with academics like Walsh questioning if ‘personality rights are finally on the agenda’.[7] In the 1970s the UK courts were regularly unwilling to find false impressions relating to merchandising resulted in misrepresentation because of the need to show that they were engaged in a ‘common field of activity’. This introduced a somewhat blunt test for confusion and there often would be no proximity between, for example, a radio broadcaster and a cereal manufacturer.[8] Until the test was discarded, at least as an absolute condition,[9] it limited attempts to expand the categories of misrepresentation to cover licensing connections.[10] Where the absence of a common field of activity was not conclusive the court for example held the use of the name of the pop group Abba on merchandise did not amount to passing off on the basis that there was no real possibility that the public would be confused into thinking that Abba had approved the goods merely because their name or photograph appeared on them.[11] Likewise the use of a photograph of the Spice Girls on the cove r of a sticker collection was held not to constitute passing off.[12] An important exception came when it was held passing off had been established where cartoon characters, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, were on clothing without authorisation, since the public did expect the goods to be licensed.[13] This case was distinguished from the Abba scenario on the basis that it was brought in the context of the unauthorised reproduction of images of cartoons in which copyright existed, rather than the image or name of a celebrity. Yet the decision is generally viewed as opening up character merchandising law in the UK. In the seminal case of Irvine Laddie J held passing off covered cases of false endorsement, like where Talksport had altered an image of racing driver Eddie Irvine to have him hold a branded Talksport radio for advertising purposes without his permission. Laddie J considered the increasingly popular marketing practice of personality licensing, including the licensing of a personality’s name or likeness outside a celebrity’s area of expertise as a common and lucrative practice for them, to reject the ‘common à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ eld of activity’ condition. Laddie J identified the inherent flexibility of passing off by saying ‘the sort of cases which come within the scope of a passing off action has not remained stationary over the years†¦passing off is closely connected to and dependent upon what is happening in the market place’.[14] Although Irvine was celebrated as a turning point in the protection of personality rights, the important limitation in the judgment was that passing off was limited to false endorsement and excluded merchandising cases. The classic celebrity-merchandising situation seems similar: the celebrity has a reputation and the public knows that it is common practice for celebrities to market their popularity by granting merchandise licenses.[15] Laddie J differentiated between cases of endorsement and merchandising, however in Fenty Birss J approved Laddie J’s reasoning but made it clear there is no difference in merchandising cases and that the legal principles apply equally well in passing off if the public had been deceived into thinking the celebrity had authorised the product. Rihanna easily established sufficient goodwill in the fashion industry, as a style icon because of her ‘cool, edgy image’.[16] This was demonstrated in her endorsement contracts with Nike and Gillette, her fashion design and promotion work with rival retailer River Island, and she had worked with HM, Gucci and Armani to collaborate on and design clothing. Birss J therefore stated Rihanna’s ‘identity and endorsement in the world of high street fashion was perceived†¦to have tangible value by an organisation well placed to know’.[17] Misrepresentation was the key issue. Topshop argued the clothing was simply a t-shirt bearing an image of Rihanna and the public had no expectation that it was authorised by her, whereas Rihanna contended that the particular facts of the case meant customers were misled into believing she had endorsed the t-shirt herself. The court considered the point in depth, addressing the various circumstances before considering the issue as a whole. Certain evidence considered was found to be neutral to finding a misrepresentation. The fact there was other unauthorised clothing bearing Rihanna’s image on sale did not imply that the public would necessarily believe that such clothing was authorised. Topshop had sold both clothing bearing authorised images and clothing, which was approved or endorsed by celebrities. Overall, its customers were neutral: having no positive expectation either way when considering clothing bearing a celebrity’s image. Also the t-shirt was fashionable an d on sale in a high street retailer. Certain factors indicated finding in Topshop’s favour. Some of Rihanna’s official merchandise included an ‘R slash’ trademark logo or her name, the t-shirt lacked both, and apart from a few days online the word ‘Rihanna’ was not used at all. There was also no genuine evidence of actual confusion. However on balance, significant factors supported RIhanna. Topshop had made considerable effort to emphasise connections in the public consciousness between the store and celebrities notably Kate Moss, and now more importantly Rihanna. This made it more likely purchasers would conclude that the t-shirt was authorised and being a fashion retailer, consumers would reasonably expect Topshop to publicise and sell products authorised by celebrities. Topshop’s prior association with Rihanna was important as Topshop ran a competition in 2010 to win a personal shopping appointment with Rihanna. Rihanna also visited Topshop in 2012 which they chose to publicise by tweeting to their 350,000 Twitter followers, just before the t-shirt went on sale – a significant commercial communication in the eyes of Birss J, to a demographic who valued social media highly. Topshop had therefore repeatedly associated itself and it products with Rihanna in a high-profile manner and this demonstrated Topshop were looking to take advantage of Rihanna’s position as a style icon. The image on the t-shirt was taken during the video shoot of RIhanna’s single ‘We Found Love’ from her 2011 ‘Talk that Talk’ album. Importantly, it showed Rihanna with the same hairstyle and headscarf as the album cover. This meant that the image was not just recognisably Rihanna but looked like a promotional shot for the music release. The court found that it was entirely likely that, to her fans, the image might be regarded as part of the marketing campaign. This was a critical point in the de cision. Although Birss J believed a ‘good number’ of purchasers would buy the t-shirt without considering the question of authorisation, he concluded that, in the circumstances, a substantial proportion of those judging the t-shirt (specifically Rihanna fans) would be encouraged to think that it was clothing authorised by the popstar. They would have recognised that particular image of Rihanna not simply as an image of her but as a particular image of her connected with the particular context of the album. Many of these purchasers would have bought the product because they thought that Rihanna had authorised it; others would have bought it because of the value of the perceived authorisation itself. In each case, the idea that it was authorised was part of what motivated them to buy the product and in each case they would have been deceived. The test for damage was also easily satisfied. If a substantial number of purchaser’s were deceived into buying the t-shirt because of a false belief that it was authorised by Rihanna herself, then that would have damaged Rihanna’s goodwill, both by way of sales lost to her merchandising business and a loss of control over her reputation in the fashion sphere.[18] Considering the particular facts, it is not surprising Birss J found in Rihanna’s favour. The classical trinity of passing off were fulfilled, however this decision is unlikely to open the floodgates for cases to be brought every time a celebrity’s image is used without a merchandising license, as it was made clear ‘the mere sale by a trader of a t-shirt bearing an image of a famous person is not without more, an act of passing off’.[19] Birss J was eager to emphasise that ‘there is today in England no such thing as a free standing general right by a famous person (or anyone else) to control reproduction of their image.’[20] The judgment is useful as a confirmation of the general principles of passing off applied to unauthorised use of celebrity images.[21] If the UK is approaching the creation of a doctrine of personality rights in some form, it is necessary to analyse the justifications and gauge whether they are robust enough to validate the subsequent restraints that would be placed upon society. The justifications suggested in support of personality rights fall largely into three groups: moral, economic and consumer protection arguments. The labour-based moral justification is founded on John Locke’s theory of property.[22] Essentially, itprovidesthat an individualhasamoralrightintheobjectofvaluetransformedbecauseoftheir efforts. Nimmer supported this point by contending that the person who has ‘long and laboriously nurtured the fruit of publicity values’ and has spent ‘time, effort, skill, and even money’ in their creation, is presumably allowed to enjoy it.[23] Professor McCarthy feels personality rights are ‘a â€Å"common-sense†, self-evident right needing little intellectual rationalisation to justify its existence’.[24] However, Madow deconstructs these arguments by contending that fame is something ‘conferred by others’ and is not necessarily down to the efforts of the individual.[25] Moreover according to Madow the labour argument ignoresthe fundamentalrole themediaplayinthecreationofcelebrities.He uses the example of Einstein andobservesthatth emedia selectedhim becausehedidinterviews, wasquotable and hehadtheright‘look’.[26]TheimageofEinsteinthat is familiar today,what itmeanstothe pubic themadbutpleasant scientistwith bushywhitehairandmoustache wasa personality createdby themedia. Therefore only when the media and public take notice and attach importance to a personal image can it fully enter into the market place.[27] Thus contrary to the statement by McCarthy, it would appear a celebrity cannot justify that they solely created their public image and consequently cannot stake an indisputable moral claim to the exclusive ownership or control of the economic value that comes with it. Personality rights can also be justified on economic arguments. Economic theory proposes persons should be economically incentivised into ‘undertaking socially, enriching activities’ such as creating a persona that benefits society culturally,[28] and this creativity can only be encouraged if the person is given exclusive right to control their creations, because this ‘provides incentive for performers to make economic investments required to produce performances appealing to the public’.[29] However Carty doubts whether personality rights would produce increases in ‘economic activity’ or ‘innovation’.[30] Following Madow’s ideas, the UK is currently without a personality right, yet celebrities still gain significant income from their publicity values and failure to introduce such a right in the future will not stop individuals profiting from the income already gained through endorsements and merchandising officially authoris ed by them.[31] According to Madow such protection also has ‘distributional consequences’,[32] whereby personality rights elevate the price of merchandise and advertising in general, placing more wealth in the hands of a select few, who already derive significant income, and away from the mass of consumers making up society.[33] Another justification for personality rights is the consumer protection argument focusing on the idea that without protection, the public will be misled about the authorisation of a celebrity’s association with a product or service. At first sight the consumer protection argument appears advisable, joining protection of the celebrity’s success with protection of the consumer, and it mirrors the traditional rationale for trademark and passing off.[34] However personality rights would allow celebrities to stop commercial uses of their personas that are not fraudulent or deceptive, and Professor Shiffrin states personality rights give celebrites power ‘to control the dissemination of truth for his or her own profit’.[35] On another level, Madow argues the degree to which personality rights would stop the consumer being misled is generally superfluous,[36] because in situations where there is a realistic chance that, consumers will be deceived or confused about a celebrity’s association or endorsement, legal mechanisms better adapted for that reason already exist, notably passing off. In conclusion, the extent to which Fenty constitutes a creation of a doctrine of ‘personality rights’ is limited. In the words of Roberts ‘this judgment does not change the law; and it does not create an â€Å"image right†. It simply applies the existing doctrine of passing off to the evolving commercial reality of the value of celebrity endorsements’.[37] The decision is important as it improves a flaw in the Irvine verdict,[38] in the same way that Irvine marked the first time that passing off was applied to false endorsement, Fenty is the first time it has been applied to false merchandising featuring a real person, with merchandising claims having only previously succeeded in relation to fictional characters,[39] and indicates that UK courts are slowly recognising the need to protect the commercial value of celebrity merchandising. It is clear from the case that the result was carefully balanced on particular facts and that if for example Rihanna had not been a fashion icon or the image was different she would have less chance of being successful. Fenty highlights the issue of misrepresentation is however always one of fact, and the false belief of the purchaser is key: to constitute passing off, a false belief incited in the mind of the prospective purchaser must play a role in their choice to buy. Although there are persuasive advocates of the creation of a doctrine of personality rights,[40] and there is also no definite rationale for an absolute rejection,[41] it would seem the decision in Fenty should be welcomed because there are substantial drawbacks in the moral, economic and consumer protection justifications put forward. The decision develops passing off to a small degree to keep up with modern business practice without creating personality rights, which are not necessary as celebrities are already sufficiently protected. The tort of passing off has again demonstrated its inherent flexibility and that it is ‘ closely connected to and dependent upon what is happening in the market place’. To sum up, ‘without an element of consumer deception, English law in this area remains characteristically cautious’,[42] and this should be welcomed. [1] J. Klink, ’50 years of Publicity Rights in the United States and the Never Ending Hassle with Intellectual Property and Personality Rights in Europe’, (2003), 4 IPQ 363, p.366. [2] Irvine v Talksport Ltd [2003] EWCA Civ 423 [3] Reddaway v Banham (1896) 13 RPC 218 at 244 per Lord Halsbury [4] Reckitt Colman v Borden [1990] 1 WLR 491 at 499 per Lord Oliver [5] [2010] EWHC 2310 (Ch) [6] D. Meale, ‘Rihanna’s face on a T-shirt without a licence? No, this time it’s passing off’, (2013) 8(11) JIPLP 823, p.823. [7] C. Walsh, ‘Are personality rights finally on the UK agenda?’, (2013) 35(5) EIPR 253, p.253. [8] McCulloch v Lewis A May [1947] 2 All ER 845 [9] Lyngstad v Anabas Products [1977] FSR 62 at 67; [10] Wombles Ltd v Wombles Skips Ltd [1975] FSR 488 Ch D; [11] Lyngstad v Anabas Products [1977] FSR 62 [12] Halliwell Ors v Panini Ors (6 June, 1997, unreported) [13] Mirage Studiosv Counterfeat Clothing [1991] FSR 145 [14] [2002] FSR 60 at para 13-14 [15] J. Klink, op.cit., p.375. [16] Fenty v Topshop [2013] EWHC 2310 (Ch) at [46] [17] Ibid at [42] [18] Ibid at [72] [19] Ibid at [75] [20] Ibid at [2] [21] H. Beverley-Smith and L. Barrow, ‘Talk that tort†¦of passing off: RIhanna, and the scope of actionable misrepresentation: Fenty v Arcadia Group Brands Ltd (t/a Topshop), (2014), 36(1) EIPR 57, p.61. [22] J. Locke, The Second Treatise of Government, (New York: Liberal Arts Press, 1952) [23] M.B. Nimmer, ‘The Right of Publicity’, (1954) 19 Law and Contemporary Problems 203, p.216. [24] J.T. McCarthy, The Rights of Publicity and Privacy, (New York: C.Boardman, 1987), s.1.1[B] [2] at 1-5; s.1.11[C] at 1-46. [25] M. Madow, ‘Private Ownership of Public Image: Popular Culture and Publicity Rights’, (1993), 81 CLR 125, p.182. [26] Ibid, p.190 [27] J. Fowles, Celebrity Performers and the American Public, (Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institute Press, 1992), p.84. [28] J.T. McCarthy, ’Melville B. Nimmer and the Right of Publicity: A Tribute’ (1987) 34 UCLA LR1703, p.1710. [29] D.E. Shipley, ‘Publicity Never Dies: It just Fades Away, (1981) 66 Cornell LR 673, p.681. [30] H. Carty, ‘Advertising, Publicity Rights and English Law’, (2004) 3 IPQ 209, p.251. [31] M. Madow, op.cit., p.211 [32] Ibid, p.218. [33] Ibid [34] H. Carty, op.cit., p.252. [35] S. Shiffrin, ‘The First Amendment and Economic Regulations: Away from a General Theory of the First Amendment’, (1983) 78 NW ULR 1212, p.1258. [36] M. Madow, op.cit., p.233. [37] J. Roberts, ‘Face off: Rihanna wins â€Å"image rights† case’, (2013), 24(8) Ent LR 283, p.285. [38] A. De Landa Barajas, ‘Personality rights in the United States and the United Kingdom – is Vanna too much? Is Irvine not enough?’, (2009) 20(7) Ent LR 253, p.258. [39] J. Roberts, op.cit., p.285. [40] S. Bains, ‘Personality rights: should the UK grant celebrities a proprietary right in their personality? Part 2’, (2013) 18(6) Ent LR 205 [41] [42] H. Beverley-Smith, op.cit., p.61.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Unchanged Character of Hester in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter Ess

The Unchanged Character of Hester in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter In the course of most stories, at least one of the main characters changes in one way or another. In The Scarlet Letter, one of the main characters we see a change in is Hester. Through the course of the novel, it appears that Hester changes from an arrogant, unremorseful woman to a much kinder and helpful, repentant woman. Although it appears that Hester has learned a lesson from her sin and consequential punishment, has she really changed her sinful ways? If she has, why, then, is she going to leave for Europe with Arthur Dimmesdale? In the beginning of The Scarlet Letter, we see Hester being punished publicly for the sin she has committed with Arthur Dimmesdale. In chapter two, Hawthorne writes, "he [the town-beadle] laid his right hand upon the shoulder of a young woman, whom he thus drew forward until, on the threshold of the prison-door, she repelled him, by an action marked with natural dignity and force of character, and stepped into the open air, as if by her own free-will." Two paragraphs later, Hawthorne writes, "And never had Hester Prynne appeared more lady-like, in the antique interpretation of the term, than as she issued from the prison. Those who had before known her, and had expected to behold her dimmed and obscured by a disastrous cloud, were astonished, and even startled, to perceive how her beauty shone out, and made a halo of the misfortune and ignominy in which she was enveloped." At this first appearance to the townspeople, Hester acts as if nothing is wrong, as if she has chosen to appear before the people, rather than take it as a punishment. Hester’s haughty appearance does not accurately reflect the way she is feeling on the i... marriage. By running off with Arthur, she would be committing adultery again. Some people would argue that Roger and Hester were never married and, therefore, they didn’t commit adultery. In that case, they may not have committed adultery, but Hester still would have committed fornication, also a sin in God’s sight (Mark 7:21, Acts 15:20, among others). At one point in the story, Hawthorne explains that Hester has learned much from the letter (ch 18 – "The scarlet letter was her passport into regions where other women dared not tread. Shame, Despair, Solitude! These had been her teachers, —stern and wild ones, —and they had made her strong, but taught her much amiss."). Although Hester has changed in some ways, the change that was supposed to be brought about by the scarlet letter never happened. In the end, Hester was still planning to commit adultery again.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ask Me: Poem Analysis Essay

This is one of my favorite poems as it has allowed me to relate in so numerous ways when it comes to life. All through my life there have been many ups and downs, and many people that have come and gone; but no matter what the series of events that I have come across have made me who I am today. There have been many people that have played important roles in my life but as William Stafford entails people will come and go; and people will play all kinds of roles in your life. When people make inquiries from me whether I would take anything in my life back if i had a chance, I answer with no since the people I have been involved with and the blunders I have made shaped who I am today. The poem is written in the future tense; from the first person perception of â€Å"I†. This is style isvery different from other poets. Stafford reaches out to audiences in the first line with the words â€Å"ask me†. Stafford writes of a future occasion when questions will be asked of him. It begins with a dialogue between the orator and another person. We have no reason to believe that the orator is not Stafford himself. The other person could be the audience, but sounds more like a close companion or at least somebody who knows him well. The poem begins: â€Å"Some time when the river is ice ask me mistakes I have made. Ask me what I have done in my life.†(Stafford) In these two sentences, he brings in two things: first, what the poem is regarding (his life), and second the main metaphor (the river iced over). For the rest of the first stanza he talks of the consequence other people have had whether good or bad. Or somewhat he is asking the listener to ask him; which is odd since the second verse begins: â€Å"I will pay attention to what you say† (Stafford). The second stanza reddens out the metaphor of the ice-covered river. That while it looks immobile; what’s beneath is a different story: â€Å"We know the current is there, concealed; and there are comings and goings from miles away† The river in the rhyme, for Stafford, as it has been for many poets although the ages, is an image and metaphor for the orator’s life. Fascinatingly in an interview, when he is talking about himself he make use of the same image:â€Å"I keep following this kind of concealed river of my life, you know, whatever the subject or impulse which comes, I follow it along gullibly (Stafford). And I don’t have any sagacity of its coming to a sort of upsurge, or of its petering out either.† The poem is saying that there is a difference to be made, between how immobile and peaceful the ice-covered river may look on the facade; this could be how human beings remembers their life, a sequence of actions and events frozen in recall. And what is beneath, that actions and blunders cannot be seen in isolation, but are managed and influenced by events and people. In the same way the path of a river is influenced by things that govern its course. Stafford gives us the eventual life lesson concealed within life’s blunders. We all ask ourselves and others as well if our choices are slip-ups. But in reality no choice in life is a slip-up, but an example in which we learn from. You will always have people within your life that are there to upset you or help you, but in the end what is done is your option. We as humans are not ideal and shouldn’t hide behind â€Å"the ice† for the â€Å"mistakes† we have made, for in our life is already planned out for us it’s our choice on what road to take. Stafford gives us encouragement within his rhyme; permitting us to see ourselves for who we are and not what we do. Work cited Stafford, William. â€Å"Ask Me.† Gioia, X. J. Kennedy and Dana. Literature. New York: Pearson, 2010. 643. Book

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Drugs And Crime

Around four million people use illicit drugs each year. Most illicit drug use is relatively controlled 'recreational' use of cannabis and ecstasy. People who try illicit drugs are more likely than others to commit other forms of law breaking. However there is no persuasive evidence of any causal linkage between drug use and property crime for the vast majority of this group. A very small proportion of users - less than 5% of the total - have chaotic lifestyles involving dependent use of heroin, crack/cocaine and other drugs. An even smaller proportion of users - perhaps around 100,000 people - finance their use through crime. The majority of those who steal to buy drugs were involved in crime before their drug use became a problem for them. This group of criminally involved problem users commits very large amounts of shoplifting, burglary and other crime to finance drug purchases. If appropriate drug treatment is given to this group, they reduce their offending levels. There are links between some forms of illicit drug use and crime is obvious. The precise nature of these links is not. Widely differing claims are made about the extent to which crime is 'drug-driven'. This paper assembles research evidence that can shed light on the relationships. We have focused on key pieces of recent British research, but we have also discussed relevant American work. This review is restricted to an examination of the links between drug use and property crime. This is because debate in the UK currently revolves around the impact of drug use on crimes such as burglary, shoplifting, robbery and other theft. We have not examined links with violent crime. This is not to deny that some specific drugs may facilitate violence - and others may inhibit it (Anglin Dobinson Harrison Jarvis & Parker, 1989). Nor should one ignore the systemic violence associated with some forms of drug distributio... Free Essays on Drugs And Crime Free Essays on Drugs And Crime Around four million people use illicit drugs each year. Most illicit drug use is relatively controlled 'recreational' use of cannabis and ecstasy. People who try illicit drugs are more likely than others to commit other forms of law breaking. However there is no persuasive evidence of any causal linkage between drug use and property crime for the vast majority of this group. A very small proportion of users - less than 5% of the total - have chaotic lifestyles involving dependent use of heroin, crack/cocaine and other drugs. An even smaller proportion of users - perhaps around 100,000 people - finance their use through crime. The majority of those who steal to buy drugs were involved in crime before their drug use became a problem for them. This group of criminally involved problem users commits very large amounts of shoplifting, burglary and other crime to finance drug purchases. If appropriate drug treatment is given to this group, they reduce their offending levels. There are links between some forms of illicit drug use and crime is obvious. The precise nature of these links is not. Widely differing claims are made about the extent to which crime is 'drug-driven'. This paper assembles research evidence that can shed light on the relationships. We have focused on key pieces of recent British research, but we have also discussed relevant American work. This review is restricted to an examination of the links between drug use and property crime. This is because debate in the UK currently revolves around the impact of drug use on crimes such as burglary, shoplifting, robbery and other theft. We have not examined links with violent crime. This is not to deny that some specific drugs may facilitate violence - and others may inhibit it (Anglin Dobinson Harrison Jarvis & Parker, 1989). Nor should one ignore the systemic violence associated with some forms of drug distributio...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Guerrilla Marketing Weapons

, colors and designs that inspire confidence. Differentiate yourself from your competitors. 2) Take advantage of research studies for determining your market. Don’t reinvent the wheel or spend a lot of money. There is lots of free information if you know where to look, for example; Internet, public libraries, local chamber of commerce, associations in your industry or a reputable research organization. 3) A customer mailing list of people who have done business with you is one of the most valuable weapons you can accumulate, as it gets larger over time. Savvy marketers spend 60% if their time talking to satisfied customers. I can personally vouch for this one; customers are easier to sell to if they have bought from you before. Another section of the book I felt was very important revolves around attitudes-mindsets. Levinson states, â€Å"attitudes will win the game or lose it†. I believe this to be very true because you market your business through your actions. Here are a few points that really stood out. 1) The way your customers are treated whe... Free Essays on Guerrilla Marketing Weapons Free Essays on Guerrilla Marketing Weapons â€Å"Guerrilla Marketing Weapons† The book I have chosen to summarize is â€Å"Guerrilla Marketing Weapons†, written by Jay Conrad Levinson and published by Penguin Group. This book targets prospective and existing small businesses, although, larger businesses could pick-up many commonly overlooked marketing weapons that Levinson sites. The information within it outlines 100 affordable marketing methods for maximizing profits, 50 of these methods costs no money (or very little) to implement. The book begins with important points for a start-up company identifying typical â€Å"textbook† marketing concepts. Other than the typical, I found a few key items interesting. 1) Customer perception is a driving force for anyone to buy from you. This starts with name, logo, theme, business cards, order forms, quality, location, dà ©cor, attire and attitude. Clearly convey your identity through words, colors and designs that inspire confidence. Differentiate yourself from your competitors. 2) Take advantage of research studies for determining your market. Don’t reinvent the wheel or spend a lot of money. There is lots of free information if you know where to look, for example; Internet, public libraries, local chamber of commerce, associations in your industry or a reputable research organization. 3) A customer mailing list of people who have done business with you is one of the most valuable weapons you can accumulate, as it gets larger over time. Savvy marketers sp end 60% if their time talking to satisfied customers. I can personally vouch for this one; customers are easier to sell to if they have bought from you before. Another section of the book I felt was very important revolves around attitudes-mindsets. Levinson states, â€Å"attitudes will win the game or lose it†. I believe this to be very true because you market your business through your actions. Here are a few points that really stood out. 1) The way your customers are treated whe...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Monetary Policy (Macroeconomics) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Monetary Policy (Macroeconomics) - Research Paper Example One of the impacts could result from a spike in Treasury yield, creating a need to raise government spending. This has a direct impact on social development as it involves spending more tax-payer’s money (, n.p). In relation to societal issues impacted by the policy, the article indicates that such changes could spike up credit excesses leading to a scenario of financial instability as witnessed during the period of the Great Recession (, n.p). The financial instability could be as a result of jeopardized debt ratios as well as increased amount of internal debts. On the other hand, scaling back the Federal Reserve’s Economic value has a great impact on Emerging Market Economies (EME’s). To begin with, it would lead to the reduction of the Federal Reserve’s Liquidity Cushions on foreign exchange creating a scenario whereby foreign investors withdraw their investment capitals. In addition, it would lead to a scenario of jeopardized financial stability within foreign markets thus creating vulnerability in their levels of development (, n.p). "U.S. Monetary Policy and Emerging Market Economies - Federal Reserve Bank of New York." U.S. Monetary Policy and Emerging Market Economies - Federal Reserve Bank of New York. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 July 2014.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Ethics of the Sale of Body Parts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Ethics of the Sale of Body Parts - Essay Example These laws prohibit the sale of body organs but allow individuals to voluntarily donate their body organs (parts). The Uniform and anatomical Act is the most ancient law having been formulated in 1968, to regulate the national distribution and donation of body parts. This act offers individuals an opportunity to voluntarily donate their whole body or part of it, and hospitals and medical institutions have an opportunity to accept such donations (Organ Donation Law, 2012). This law allows citizens of sound mind and who are of legal age to engage in voluntary organ and tissue donation (Organ Donation Law, 2012). According to the law, individual who expect to donate their body parts, must record their intensions most probably in a will (Organ Donation Law, 2012). The donation form should be signed by the potential donor in the presence of two other people. In case the dying patient is unable to write, he or she can indicate his or her intensions orally but in the presence of at least tw o people or; he or she can inform the attending doctor. However, the attending doctor cannot perform the actual organ removal or transplantation of the donated organ. In addition, close family members or guardians have a limited legal mandate to allow their dying patient’s body parts to be donated. ... , research and educational institutions; or individuals who meet all the requirements for receiving the organ or body part(s), the permission to accept donated organs. Ethical issues associated with legalization of the sale of body parts (Phadke & Anadh, 2002). Exploits the poor The legalization of the sale of body parts will lead to situations that exploit the poor. Middlemen involved in the sale of body parts will end up obtaining body parts for sale from unsuspecting poor individuals at a cheaper price. With an increase in the demand for body parts, such middle men may end up selling the body parts at a much higher price. Jeopardizes human dignity The sale of body parts is an act that reduces human dignity. It equates the human body to money. It is morally wrong to exchange human body parts for money. Commercializes the human body Commercialization of the human body is an immoral act. The human life and body are God given and cannot be commercialized. Deters altruism retarding the living-related and cadaver transplant programs The legalization of the sale of body parts will discourage individuals with intentions of donating their body parts to other persons in need. Such individuals may feel discouraged in case they realize that their voluntarily donated body part was commercialized. This will profoundly affect current cadaver transplant programs. Goes against medical professional ethics Medical professional are charged with the responsibility of safeguarding human life. Medical ethics does not allow for the commercialization of the human body. Since the legalization of the sale of body parts will allow its commercialization, it will have gone against the medical code of conduct. Ethical Theories: legalization of the sale of body parts Ethical code of conduct lies